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Services we offer.

We want to help. Any way we can.


Counselling is the opportunity to talk confidentially with someone who is independent from every other aspect of your life.

Counsellors will listen without judgment and support you to explore your thoughts, feelings, emotions and behaviours to help you find ways to improve your emotional and mental well being.

Our counsellors offer 50 minute sessions to 16-30 year olds, and as there are no fixed number of sessions can continue to work with you until you feel able to manage without counselling. We charge a fee of £20 per session.

The Nai's House counselling team is made up of qualified and student counsellors. Our student's have been through four years of study and require 100 hours of practical work to graduate as qualified counsellors. They are supported externally by their tutors and independent supervisors. Additionally Nai's House offers support internally to ensure a safe, happy and successful placement.

For more information please email us at; or complete and submit our online form.